Sunday, March 10, 2013

Walden University Graduate Student

Hello! Graduate Student at Walden University! Logging on as a first time blogger! Let's see how this works!


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Charity,
      I am hoping that I have finally gotten the hang of this blog assignment.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi this is Nicole and I am also a first time blogger trying to figure out this world.

    1. Hi Nicole,
      I am just wondering am I the only one that had a hard time completing this blog assignment?

    2. Hi, Kiara,
      I just deleted my post because I realized I replied in the wrong place. Sorry. I don't feel that you are the only one struggling with this assignment or blogs in general. I am also having some trouble. My problem is that I can create my post but it doesn't seem that anyone is leaving comments. I don't know if that is because of something on my part that I did wrong. What are you having trouble with? Maybe I could help a little.

    3. Hi Nicole,
      I think I am OK now. I just finished my blog assignment for Week 2. Please take a look at it and comment so that I can be sure it is posted correctly.

      Thanks Colleague

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