Friday, March 29, 2013

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

Words of Inspiration and Motivation
“I don’t believe I’ll ever get credit for anything I do in foreign affairs, no matter how successful it is, because I didn’t go to Harvard.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson
“Education is not a problem.  Education is an opportunity.”
-Lyndon B. Johnson
“A promising approach to this type of practice research is to build communities of practice based on collective expertise and designed to scrutinized and improve education.”
-Virginia Buysse
“Access to many different playmates promotes young children to develop an interest in their peers and affords them many opportunities to develop play skills that are more advanced, more complex, and more coordinated with those of their peers.”
-Virginia Buysse
“A passion of Louise is to make sure that children are taught in an environment that they can nurture, grow, and develop to the fullest of their ability.”
-Louise Derman Sparks
“Louise had a built in passion for teaching to make a real contribution in the world.”
-Louise Derman Sparks

 Additional Quotes:
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.”
-Albert Einstein
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
-Nelson Mandela
 “Beginning nutrition education in early childhood is an important part of helping to ensure that children will achieve healthful lifestyles.”
-Robert Earl
“Children are like wet cement.  Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”
-Dr. Hiam Ginnot
“Reading aloud with children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they will eventually require for learning to read.”
-Marilyn Jager Adams
“A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.”
-Ever Garrison
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”
-Maria Montessori
“Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into the world.”
-Maria Montessori
“If you’re going to equalize the academic playing field, you’ve got to get the kids in early childhood programs.”
-Paul Vallas


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

My Mother and I                                                             Miss MVSU 2010-2011
My Rock!!!!!!                                                                  Dream Accomplished

My Cousin Abe
Love Him to Death

My Grandfather Robert Williams, Sr.
My Love RIP!

My Best friend Jamiliah
My Ride or Die Chich

Caleb, Cassie Carter (Godmother) and Terica
My reason for reading!!!!!!!!!!

My mother, Carla Williams, is the most influential person in my life.  She has been the wind beneath my wings for my entire life.  She has instilled in me that success is equal to hard work.  She has shown me love, support, and encouragement throughout my life.  She believed in a child being well disciplined and she did not spare the rod.  It may not have happened often but if there was a reason for a spanking I got it.  She is very affectionate and she always let me knew that she loved me.   I truly believe that my mother should get all the credit for instilling great morals and values in me.
My Grandfather, Robert Williams, Sr. was the best grandfather a girl could ask for.  Of course he spoiled me and gave me treats, money, etc.  But he showed me love.  He paid for my lunch at school each week and he would pick me up whenever my mom needed him to.  We shared the gift of music together.  He could really sing and that trait he passed on to me.  He has passed on now but his memories are imbedded deep in my heart.  He was influential in me getting up before a crowd to sing. 
My cousin, Abe McGlothin, Jr. is a constant influential factor in my life.  He is just a bit older that I am but he is wise beyond his years.  He has completed law school and is now the Assistant District Attorney in my home town.  He pushes me to become the best that I can be.  It is because of him that I decided to apply for Graduate School.  I was going to take a break and apply later.  His reply was time waits for no one.  Do it now and get it over with.  I am so thankful for him to be a part of my family. 
My best friend Jamiliah Perkins has been very influential in my life since I can remember.  We have been friends since Pre-kindergarten.  She was always a straight A student and she pushed me and tutored me in math whenever I needed her.  She never allowed me to become negative around her.  She was always courteous, dedicated, and willing to take on new challenges.  She inspired me to do the same.  I am grateful to still have her whenever she can break away from her busy schedule.  She is in Medical school to become a Medical Doctor. 
My Godmother Cassie B. Carter is a lot like my biological mother.  She is soft spoken with a big heart.  She has been influential in pushing me at an early age to read.  She would take me to the library to check out books to read all the time.  She didn’t just let you read but you had to discuss your books with her.  This was her way of making sure you read the books.  She influenced my reading comprehension skills at a very early age.  She nurtured me and loved me just like I was her own daughter.
All of these people have influenced my life by being good role models.  They have all shown genuine love and concern for me and my future.  Each day I am faced with challenges that they have told me I would face and it is so much easier because they not only taught me about challenges, but they taught me to face them head on.  I am so happy that I have these entire influential people still a part of my life today with the exception of my Grandfather.   

Friday, March 15, 2013

Blog Assignment: Personalize Your Blog

The Title of the childhood book that I love and I must admit it is my favorite is The Little Red Engine That Could.  I love this book so much because the characters in the story are all motivators for the train.  His friends motivated him when he thought he could'nt carry the load over the hill.  It was so much fun to hear my mom say I think I can, I think I can.  This book can be a good example for us as Teachers.  We must be good motivators and we must develop good motivating techniques to help our children see that they can do things that they think are imposible. 

A very important quote about children that was taught to me at an early age is from the King James Bible Proverbs 22:6 which reads Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.  This statement is so true.  It takes love, dedication, disipline, and time to correctly train children.  It is the parents responsibility to start their children off on a good path before the teachers are involved in their lives.  One can tell if the parents have set the pace at home at an early age.  The child will be more attentive, more loving, and very respectful to others in authority and last they will be smart and eager to learn more.

My story is true.  This child lives in my neighborhood and I am so glad that my mother loves and cares about children in general.  This child come from a household where there is a lot of profanity, fighting, no values when it comes to education, no good work ethics, and no love shown.  My mother has taken it on herself to help because the child does not desire to be in this situation.  He told my mother that he wanted to finish school and get a job.  She has since took out the time with him to explain morals, values, and making him aware that he can be the first in the family to graduate from high school.  She is a constant motivator to him and every chance she gets she reminds him that he can beat the odds that he is up against.  She does all of this out of love.  To make a long story short this child is overcoming the odds because he has my mother as a motivator, a mentor, and as a friend.  As educators we will be faced with similar situations and if we care about our children in our class we may have to step out of our comfort zone and do what my mother is doing.  The behavior problems that the child has is so much better and his grades are coming up.  Cudos to my mother and she is not an educator.  But I one day will be and I am getting a lot of hands on experience early on from these type situations.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Walden University Graduate Student

Hello! Graduate Student at Walden University! Logging on as a first time blogger! Let's see how this works!