Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 1 Blog Assignment 6165

            The person that I have observed demonstrating competent communication is the Director of a child care facility that cares for children from 2 to 5 years of age.  I have seen her interconnecting with other parents and their children to form relationships.  Having the help of parents can always help you achieve the goals that have been set.  She exemplifies what the authors call affiliation.  She shows that she love the students that attend her center. 
            She also shows competent communication in the way that she communicates with the different diverse families and their children that attend the center.  Her actions give them a sense of belonging which makes the parents trust their children to her care.  She works really good with her staff and she influences them to work hard to achieve the goals that has been set for the center.  She makes certain that the goals for the child care facility are known throughout the center.  She has complete control of her staff and have formed great relationships with all of them.  She has truly shown me that communicating competently creates trust, accuracy, honesty, and accuracy (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012). 

            I would model all of my communication behaviors after this person.  She is clearly a competent communicator and she enjoys communicating effectively with everyone that she touches.  I would model myself at Dr. Minor because she is clearly a great effective and competent communicator.

O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012).  Real communication: An introduction.  New York:    Bedford/St. Martin's.


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