Saturday, May 24, 2014

Communicating with Different Groups & Cultures Week 3 6165

           I have on several occasions communicated differently with people from different groups and cultures.  I have found that I have had to listen more effectively when I am interacting with people from different groups and cultures.  When I am communicating with people from my ethnic background I tend to not listen because I can understand our language, but when I am communicating with people from another culture I not only have to listen, but I sometimes have to read their lips in order to make out what they are trying to say.  Another instance of me having to communicate differently from people from different groups and cultures is when I am calling a 1-800 number for assistance with my cable or telephone service.  It is sometimes really hard to understand the words spoken from people of different cultures.  I have had to speak a bit louder at times and I have also have had to ask the person assisting me to slow down as they spoke so that I could understand their language. 
            I have even found myself using my hands and body language in the place of using verbal communication.  I have also communicated differently with people from different groups and cultures who share a different belief than I do.  Some people are Atheist and I am a Christian.
When I communicate with them I try not to discuss religion in respect that their belief is different from mine. 
             The first strategy that can help me to become a more effective communicator when I am dealing with people from different groups or cultures is to develop better listening skills.  Also I must be able to pick up silent messages sent with or without words from people of different groups or cultures (Gonzalez-Mena, 2010 ).  I must be able to expand my ability to pick up silent messages in ways that they are intended (Gonzalez-Mena, 2010).  The second strategy that I can use to assist me in becoming a more effective communicator is to learn more about nonverbal behaviors when dealing with people from different cultures.  The final strategy that I can use to assist me in becoming a more effective communicator when dealing with people of different groups or cultures is to practice not to judge people from other cultures long enough to gain a deeper understanding that first impressions allow us to (Gonzalez-Mena, 2010).  As educators we all must be willing to accept differences in people who are different than we are.  Our children model after us.  So if they see that we are doing everything we can to help others they will do the same.


Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2010). Looking at nonverbal communication across cultures. River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 1 Blog Assignment 6165

            The person that I have observed demonstrating competent communication is the Director of a child care facility that cares for children from 2 to 5 years of age.  I have seen her interconnecting with other parents and their children to form relationships.  Having the help of parents can always help you achieve the goals that have been set.  She exemplifies what the authors call affiliation.  She shows that she love the students that attend her center. 
            She also shows competent communication in the way that she communicates with the different diverse families and their children that attend the center.  Her actions give them a sense of belonging which makes the parents trust their children to her care.  She works really good with her staff and she influences them to work hard to achieve the goals that has been set for the center.  She makes certain that the goals for the child care facility are known throughout the center.  She has complete control of her staff and have formed great relationships with all of them.  She has truly shown me that communicating competently creates trust, accuracy, honesty, and accuracy (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012). 

            I would model all of my communication behaviors after this person.  She is clearly a competent communicator and she enjoys communicating effectively with everyone that she touches.  I would model myself at Dr. Minor because she is clearly a great effective and competent communicator.

O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012).  Real communication: An introduction.  New York:    Bedford/St. Martin's.


Communication Activity for Week 2

           The movie that I watched that I had not previously viewed was Love and Basketball.  This movie show cased several characters and they all had various relationships which were from happy to sad, excited to not so excited, and from being in love as teens to breaking up and getting back together as adults.  From the way they communicated you could tell that the characters relationships were based on love and trust in one instance.  The two that I will discuss are the two children that grew up as friends and then become a couple before they left high school. 
            I believe that they felt and expressed love for each other based on their nonverbal behavior.  At first they showed that they did not like each other.  This was evident by the frowning that they did to each other.  They did not say this verbally but they did fight and look at each other while talking with their eyes to one another.  After watching the movie with the sound on my interpretations to my surprise was correct.  The two children actually loved each other even though they never said it verbally.  They actually showed friendship and unity in nonverbal ways. 
            I believe that my assumptions could be more correct if it was a movie that I had previously viewed.  Even though my interpretations were basically correct for this movie, I believe that with each movie or real situation that were either watch or encounter we can communicate without using verbal cues.  When the sound was turned down, I depended on the facial expressions to assist me with determining what was going on in the movie.

           This exercise was very helpful to me because t gave me the opportunity to look at the verbal and nonverbal side of communication.