Saturday, November 30, 2013

Research Around the World

This week I chose to view the website which is in Australia.   Some of the current international research topics are:


Children’s Behavior

Play based Learning

Teaching and Learning

      Language and literacy

The Australian’s Code of Ethics is very similar to our NAEYC.   The latest early childhood research is Theory into practice and Advocacy and leadership. 


What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

            I read about their day care center which is called the Long Day care.   It is daycare for children of working families as well as after school care.   I gained knowledge about The Research in Practices Series (RIPS).  This is an easy-to-read resource for the early childhood professional which offers effective new approaches for those challenging issues which arise in the care and education of young children (   This series covers a wide range of topics covered throughout the series.  These collections actually offer something to anyone who is interested in children’s early years (   


 What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?

            I viewed things on the site that are very similar to what we have here in the United States.   The Early Childhood Australia Online site actually sale journals on its site.  Most of the things that I viewed concerning how they educate their children is basically the same methods that we use in the United States.   This website was really interesting and I am sure that I will find something on this site that I can use to assist me with my research methods.





  1. Kiara,
    Great post!! I agree that we have similarities to Australia and we can also learn from them as well as they can learn from us. Thanks for sharing the RIPS program! I read more into it and found it useful!

  2. Aloha Kiara,

    I came across similar research topics with the European Early Childhood Education website. It's fascinating that countries around the world are researching similar topics. Does the RIPS program cover child behavior issues in all ages of development?
