Saturday, June 15, 2013

Testing for Intelligence

Testing for Intelligence

            I believe that there should be a standard education system throughout the country.  However I think that emotional assessments are very necessary. We need to be knowledgeable about a child’s emotional health as well as their cognitive abilities.  When children are having emotional issues it may become hard for them to focus when they are given standardized test.  Therefore the results of the test are not in the child’s favor.  Because children in rural parts of countries are not receiving the same education as children in the urban cities some standardized test are considered biased.  In my opinion I think that we should look at the fact that all children are not on the same developmental levels.  Because children from all regions do not have the same education and they do not have the same experiences in life we should not expect all children to be on the same level when it comes to testing for Intelligence. 
            I have friends that are already educators that have a lot of concerns with the fact that everything that they do is now based on preparing for state testing.  Even when children have not mastered a particular subject they have to go on to the next subject.  The teachers have to revisit subject that are not mastered when time is permissible.  State testing has put added pressures on schools and teachers.  I believe that we must be held to certain standards, and I also believe that there should be check points to test to make sure that students are learning all of the required skills.  I just feel that this has put an enormous strain on the teachers and the students.  It appears that they are being rushed as if they are in a race.  In the U. S. high schools use exit examinations to make certain that students were meeting the minimum state requirements for graduation.  Today testing is based on the curriculum and performance standards have been developed in all fifty states.

            In Australia children are assessed at age 7 with a test that is called NAPLAN.  Another testing program that is called Reach for the Stars performs assessments in Sensory, Developmental, Social Emotional, Motor, Participation assessment, and Adaptive behavior/cognition assessments.  The participation assessment is a school function assessment that evaluates and monitors a student’s performance of functional tasks and activities at school.  The adaptive behavior assessment is a test that assesses disorders of planning, organization and problem solving.  This test is administered to the 16 year olds. 

Gale Encyclopedia of Education.  Encyclopedia of Education.  Testing: Standardized Tests and Educatgional Policy.  Copyright © 2002 by The Gale Group, Inc

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