8 Final Blog Issues and Trends in the Early Childhood Field
I have fostered
and shared my professional growth by listening to podcasts and exploring websites
pertaining to Early Childhood Education.
I have even gained knowledge from reading my colleagues blog links
concerning Early Childhood Education in international countries. There are several consequences of learning
about the international Early Childhood field.
My personal and professional development has been enhanced by reading
articles from the websites of Save the Children. I have gained so much knowledge from the
issues in Africa such as poverty, stunting, malaria, and HIV. All of these issues have changed my personal
perspective of children in Africa. These
issues have shown me that our government and our nation are in a better
predicament than that of Africa. Even
though poverty exist in the United States we are far better off than in
second consequence is that most of the international countries that my
colleagues have shared information on in their blogs share some of the exact
goals, and mission statements in the field of Early Childhood Education as that of the United States. Some of the countries are also a little
different because that put more emphasis on investing in their programs of
Early Childhood Education. They invest
because they expect great returns in the future. The
last consequence of learning about the international Early Childhood Education
field is that I can now bring or raise awareness to other Early Childhood
Education professionals about the importance of Early Childhood Education in
other countries and how we can advocate to our policy makers to bring our
standards of our own Early Childhood Education programs to meet the standards
of the international countries. In other
words we can advocate to receive better funding for our Early Childhood
Education programs so that we can compete with the international countries
around the globe.
one goal that I hope for is that we will all learn from each other and that we
will collaborate together to advocate for better standards and more high
quality programs that will improve our young children’s growth and development
so that they may reach their full potential and become productive citizens no
matter what part of the world they live in.